What is a Weimaraner
The Weimaraner, can be traced back to the early 1600's as a Silver dog of similar appearance is depicted in paintings by VanDyke from that period.
More recent history (early records begin in the late 1800's) places the breed in the HPR Gundog group, however the origins of the Weimaraner should never be forgotten or ignored.
Originally bred exclusivly for the Foresters of Weimar to use, it is a powerful hunting dog that would be instantly recognised and was unique to that area. It was required to have the strength, ability and tenacity to bring to bay and hold large game such as Wild Boar and Stag, yet it would and did live comfortably with the family. It was required to be sensative and respectful of it's family, while retaining the ability to ward off or kill any predator (Predators at that time included Wild Cat, Wolf and Bear and quite probably the odd footpad or robber) that threatened his master or masters game or livestock was a sort after trait.
The Weimaraner is an excellent breed for the shooting sportsman who wants a gundog that can be trained not to range too far for hunting on foot, but will cover the terrain with painstaking thoroughness, retrieve birds and other game on land and in water, can be trained (We think easily), and is a delightful companion when not hunting.
The Weimaraner thrives on human companionship and must be part of the family. This bonding with humans we believe is strongly linked with its versatile working traits and if isolated from household activities, the Weimaraner's hunting aptitude rarely develops properly. Those who want these traits consider the Weimaraner the finest of all bird dogs. (Well we do but then we may be more than a little biased.)
Owners who lack the time or skill to train their Weimaraner’s, especially if they hope the dog has competitive potential, should definatley seek the help of the few trainers who understand the Weimaraner's temperament.
Field trainers who are accustomed to the hard-headed Pointer ( they are; we have one bless, the Black dog) often lack the soft touch and the partnership bond essential for success with a Weimaraner.
Fortunately, the very quality that frustrates so many professional trainers -- the need to treat a Weimaraner gentley and lovingly -- makes the breed uniquely suitable for amateur's (like us). Some trainers admit that the breed's intelligence and instinctive aptitude are so strong that the best way to train a Weimaraner is merely to provide an opportunity for the dog to hunt and to observe experienced dogs. This is, in fact, the approach used by many German trainers -- to provide guided experience that allows instinctive behaviour patterns to unfold. The dog's instinct provides the motivation, and its intelligence helps it discover the best way to achieve the task. Moreover, when Weimaraner’s work with an older, well-trained dog, the breed's copycat trait accelerates and reinforces learning.
THIS IS A WARNING !!! Do not however think this absolves you from putting in the time and effort. The basics must be there to start with. Remember "if it can go wrong it will go wrong" and recovery from these situations is never easy
Basically we have in the Weimaraner a large and powerful dog with huge stamina and exceptional intelligence, where the old instincts to hunt remain strong.
So for all who asspire to owning a Weimaraner be warned ! If you are not prepared to invest time and effort in developing your dog remember these points:
(1) They have powerful jaws and paws: and a bored or stressed dog can and will wreak havoc on soft furnishings, furniture and carpets and in extreme cases other pets.
(2) If unsupervised and left alone in the garden their ability to rearrange your landscaping in an incredibly short period by adding a tasteful "lawn pit" or a "tunnel or two" just has to be seen to be believed.
Oh and did I mention thier capability to generate noise!!
It is NOT the Dogs fault or a FAILING in the breed it is a self-inflicted wound of the owners making.
Make the investment of time and effort, build a relationship, but make sure its one where the dog looks to you for leadership and enjoy your Weimaraner.